Our potato research and its outputs are communicated widely in multiple ways:
- Generate excellent science published in a wide range of journals for our scientific peers and provide accessible overviews of our research to non-expert but industry-relevant audience e.g. Global Potato News.
- Participate in scientific conferences and meetings:
- Inform UK policy by meeting with policy advisors at regular intervals.
- Exhibit at public facing events:
- Potato in Practise.
Potatoes in practise is the largest field-based potato event in the UK. This FREE event brings together variety trails, research, machinery and trade exhibits in one place. - Royal Highland Show
- Open Farm Sundays
- Fascination with Plants Day
- Potato in Practise.
- Provide resistant germplasm, markers and enrichment sequencing to international commercial breeders and industrial partners
Staff regularly discuss issues of societal interest by participating in school visits, ‘Café Science’ or ‘Pint of Science’ events, public lectures and local science Festivals.